The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe

Waddling, Snacking, and Expanding

By: Drakin

As the trio walked, or rather waddled down the corridor, Morgana couldn't resist trying out the limits of the new magic she had. The ability to simply create any new food item on a wish was very powerful and even a little intoxicating. She started small with things like “Chocolate chip cookie” and “Cupcake”, each appearing in her hand as she held it in front of her. She made a few attempts early on to summon food without holding out her hands. But while it would work the food immediately dropped into her literal yard of cleavage and most often was crushed in her folds as she continued her shuffling walk behind the other girls.

“Would you please knock it off?” Tam-Tam finally sighed, barely glancing back at Morgana, “You're making me hungry again with all this food summoning. And I've already done enough damage to my figure for today.”

“I thought you said 'beauty was a state of mind' or something like that,” Morgana teased.

“It is, but there's no sense in making things more difficult than they are.”

“Well I see this as a golden opportunity,” Mila noted as she had been enjoying one of the sub sandwiches Morgana produced, “When we get out of here Morgana could open a restaurant. Every food on offer without having to buy ingredients or hire cooks. The food could sell for a couple coins and she'd still be rich in no time.”

“And no wait staff either,” Morgana mused with a smile as she tapped the cookie jar tucked under a bingo-wing of arm flab, “These little cookies can both take orders and be appetizers.”

Tam-Tam thought about that as they walked on, taking a large cheesy pretzel from Morgana without a thought as her mind wondered about the buisness.

What the girls hadn't noticed yet though was Morgna's food was fat more of an issue than the meals prepared by the cookies. Bite by bite Morgana continued to grow, some of it was height, but most was width. Her belly still brushing the ground now rubbed along the soft carpet ahead of her and her massive breasts drooped lower until her nipples did the same. Even her rear end was getting close to covering her lumpy, mashed potato-like legs in a curtain of flab.

Mila and Tam-Tam grew as well with the meals Morgana kept handing them, the pair blind to their still expanding figures as Mila was the second of their group to pass into the quadruple digits. Morgana couldn't be entirely certain at first, but as they shuffled on she became more and more convinced she could see Mila and Tam-Tam widening with every morsel she offered them.

The bat smiled secretly as she followed. Seeing Tam-Tam Balloon was just enjoyable as a form of revenge. But Mila... Something about her made Morgana's feelings stir for the first time in years as she watched that undulating tan rump jiggle from side to side with every plodding step.

The only slight hint the girls got that something was up was when they finally came to a room Tam-Tam had been looking for. “A-Ha! Here we are, the coat room,” She made to enter and found her hips stuck in the door briefly. Still as the smallest she managed to squeeze through with minimal twisting and shimmying.

Mila followed, having to duck slightly to get her head under the seven foot door frame (not that she noticed). “What are we, *umph* looking for in here?” she asked as she struggled with the door, Morgana having to bend down to even look over Mila's shoulder.

“Clothes of course dears,” Tam-Tam replied, “It might be a coat room but they were often used to store other excess garments and other suitable finery when their own wardrobes became too full.”

“Are you sure bed sheets wouldn't serve better?” Morgana muttered dryly as her chins wobbled, dropping crumbs of the large brownie she'd just finished. “Or tents?”

“Would you rather find the boys again while being completely nude?” Tam-Tam countered as she began her search.

“Honestly?” Morgana looked herself over, her massive arms and shelf of a gut that extended almost a yard beyond what she could reach, “Why bother? Who's going to criticize us now? Anyone makes fun of us we can just sit on them.” She summoned slice of chocolate cake, “Or stuff them until they're as big as us.”

“Morgana does have a point, Tam-Tam,” Mila agreed, partially because for all her efforts she hadn't made any progress into the room, “Why should we let anyone judge us for showing off our bodies?”

“Well you to can go 'au natural' if you so wish,” Tam-Tam replied, selecting blue and white patterned top and green skirt she couldn't quite be sure wasn't a table cloth to go around her waist, “But I am determined to be more civilized when we meet the boys.”

Just then there was a noise from the end of the hall. Unfortunately it came from the direction they had come from and turning around for Morgana meant nearly getting wedged from wall to wall. But finaly she managed to twist herself enough to crain her neck around (it took grabbing her cheek and pulling it aside as well to get a clear view).

Choice 1: It was Leeko and Darious. The boys stood shocked at the size of the enormous Mogana towering over them.

Choice 2: It was Darious alone. Transformed somehow and only barely recognizable from his red coat and red hair.

Choice 3: It was Leeko, presumably, his altered form wore Leeko's hat at least.

Choice 4: It was a wave of energy radiating from the kitchens. It seems the Run's power wasn't quite done with them yet.
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