The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe

Darious Returns

By: sup

"Ah...finally found someone." a voice said as in her sights, Morgana spotted a large bear wearing a red coat with some red hair. " that you, Morgana?"

"That voice...Captain? You've...changed." Morgana said in her surprise.

"I was about to say the same about you three." Darious said looking at the very fat bat. "Not sure if the ship can even support the weight of all three of you."

"That's not funny." Morgana pouted. "Speaking of...we found that rune. The Rune of Gluttony."

"You did? That's good news." Darious said as he smiled. "Meaning we still need to find the Rune of Sloth somewhere in here and then we can go."

"Yeah, not sure we could continue living in a place like this." Morgana blushed before realizing. "Wait...where's Leeko?"

"I lost him when I went to check out the master bedroom. That's actually how I ended up like this. I took a rest on the bed and when I woke up, I was a bear, a hibernating animal." Darious said. "Though my change seems little compared to the rest of you." he said as they all laughed.

Now came time to discuss their next move.
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