The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe

Mila: Confused and Concerned

By: sup

The two open up the door laughing as Mila just stood there with a puzzled look on her face as she saw Morgana was bigger and Tam-Tam had some tears in her eyes. "Uh...what...what happened in there?" Mila asked.

"Aw...nothing to worry your pretty little head about." Morgana said. "Just some...private time."

"Yes. Just a little....spring cleaning for the soul." Tam-Tam said as they continued onward as Mila was left with more questions with answers.

"Wait...did you two..." Mila said as she blushed quite a bit.

"Wait...are you...jealous?" Morgana asked with a smirk.

"Me? Jealous? Of course not!" Mila said pouting as she turned her head as the goat just chuckled a bit.

"Wow...didn't realize she was so into soul cleansing. Maybe if she ever starts to go down the wrong path, I'll give her a private session." Morgana thought.

"There's no way I'm actually jealous of those two, right? I mean...its not like...I have feelings for I?" Mila questioned herself as they continued down the hall.

Along the way...
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