The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe

Mila tries to get one on one time with Morgana

By: Drakin

Mila couldn't help it. The more she thought about it the more the feline felt her tail swish in agitation at the mental image of what she imagined Tam-Tam and Morgana had done together in that room. Granted it had barely been ten minutes, but if one were both desperate and efficient...

She shook her head to clear such thoughts. No, if it was truly what Morgana wanted she wouldn't begrudge her happiness, but likewise she was damn well going to make an attempt before the opportunity completely passed her by.

So the next room where they had some space, Mila pulled Morgana aside and whispered to her. “I want to experience what you and Tam-Tam did.”

Morgana blinked at the felines forwardness. “Seriously? Now?”

“Yes,” Mila steeled herself, “I don't care what techniques you used or what positions, I want what she had. At least once with you. After that... well I'll leave it up to you.”

Morgana scanned Mila's soul again and saw it was still fairly pure. Only a few dark spots of minor size, little more than self-inflicted guilt for barely harmful mistakes. “Mila I don't know if I can manage it with you,” Morgana tried to be honest but that just seemed to make the feline feel worse.

“I don't care if it's not perfect, I still want to try. Just once.”

“I think you've got the wrong impression of things..,” Morgana began but Mila couldn't wait any longer. She pushed herself up on tiptoes to plant a kiss on the taller goats muzzle. Initiating things herself.

Morgana was still confused but mentally shrugged, figuring if this was what Mila wanted.

Like with Tam-Tam she reached down Mila's throat with her power and brushed against her soul, drawing it up and out her mouth. And slowly the ghostly spirit energy emerged as the feline entered a trance state.

But something was different this time. The brighter soul with barely any spots seemed stronger somehow. Tam-Tams had been freshly cleansed and supple, like skin gone too long in need of scrubbing and made tender by the cleaning. Mila's soul on the other hand was both clean and strong. And in the process evoked a completely different reaction.

Choice 1: Morgana's own corruption begins to leak back into Mila, and though she stops quickly the feline awakens feeling more devious and lust fueled than before. Eager to take Morgana to bed however she can manage it.

Choice 2: Morgana's cleaning of the few tiny spots on Milas soul triggers something, putting her 'over the top' in purity, And ironically she becomes more angelic in nature though demon Morgana's help.

Choice 3: Mila's soul begins pushing into Morgana, the two of them drawing closer. And in a burst of powerful magic the two merge into one body with two heads, one side angelic the other demonic.

Choice 4: Morgana can't resist the purity of Milas soul and devours the whole thing. But interestingly this does not harm Mila at all when she awakens. Instead Morgana feels herself able to influence Mila by poking and prodding the soul she swallowed with her demonic powers.
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