The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe

Follow the girls. First room, a kitchen.

By: unknown

The first room Mila and Co. stumbled into in their search for an exit was the kitchen. It was a large room, with various stoves and cooking utensils sitting around and waiting to be used.

Surprisingly enough, the place looked tidy if not a bit dusty. Checking the cupboards, they found them stocked with long lasting types of food like flour and grain.

Though, curiously enough, Morgana found a pie inside the oven.

It was freshly baked, steam still rising from it, which the bat found very suspecious.

How and why was there a freshly baked pie in the oven? Could someone else be squatting here?

Whatever the reason was she couldn't help but be tempted to eat it. It smelled like blueberries and looked very appetizing.

She looked back at the others, who were still exploring the many wonders of the kitchen and then back at the pie.

What happened next?
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