The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe

Mysterious Magical Pie

By: Drakin

In just the brief time Morgana had looked away the pie was suddenly out of the oven and on the stove in front of her. Even topped with a large helping of whipped cream, swirled decoratively and rising like a small hill atop the dessert to make it all the more appealing.

Ok, that is definitely not normal, Morgana reasoned and tried to back away from the pie, but the delicious smells tickled her nose again and instead she found herself inching closer.

Morgana went back and forth in her head several times, even as she drew her dagger to cut a slice. Something obviously magical was going on and magic was not something she was well equipped to fight. But on the other hand it was a pie, deliberately presented to be eaten, and what sort of enchantments could be used on a pie anyway?

Her dagger spun with her usual dexterity as she carved a slice and lifted it out on the blade. The inside was a rich blue, the berries and gooey filling perfectly blended for the maximum of both without the pie becoming sloppy. Still questioning if it was ok, Morgana licked part of the whipped cream off the top and then took her first bite.

And in doing so her concerns started to melt away.

The pie was delicious, easily the best she'd ever had. And explosion of sweetness mixed with the faintest tart of the fresh berries filled her mouth completely despite the small bite. And she found herself taking another larger one soon after. The filling rolled over her tongue and the blueberries popped between her teeth adding to the mix. She had to pause twice to wipe the whipped cream off her nose and lick it off her finger, but in less than a minute the entire slice had slid down her throat and left a warm sensation radiating through the bat female's torso.

It was then she looked at the pie and blinked in surprise. The hole she had taken the slice from was filled in again. The pie once more complete rather than missing a piece. If not for the lingering taste on her tongue and a small dab of whipped cream on her nose, Morgana might have thought she was crazy. But no, the pie was once again full and looking just as delicious as ever.

Choice 1.) Morgana carves another, larger slice. No pie is going to outclass her. And after a few more pieces her clothes begin to grow snug as new pounds begin piling on her frame (weight gain.)

Choice 2.) Morgana sees this as a challenge, and rather than carving a slice she consumes the whole pie at once. However the result is unexpected as she begins changing, her form losing structure as she turns blue and wobbly. (Living blueberry jelly transformation)

Choice 3.) Morgana backs away slowly, this pie is too magical to be trusted and she is about to tell Mila and Tam-Tam. But a gurgle from her stomach halts her as it begins to swell as she turns blue growing big and round. (Wonka style blueberry inflation.)

Choice 4.) Before Morgana can do anything Tam-Tam spots the pie and suggests they share it. Morgana failing to explain she already had one. After consuming the pie seemingly without incident they go back to searching, but the pies effects begin to take hold (possible multiple changes.)
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