The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe

An Extended Stay

By: frown

"Is everything all right?" Edna asked as she approached.

"All is well. We were considering staying for a few days, actually." Darious said.

"Oh, that's wonderful. If you like, we could easily set up living arrangements for you all immediately." Edna said with glee.

"How generous of you." Darious said as the dragoness hurried off.

"You sure this is wise, captain? There's something about this place I don't trust." Morgana said as she looked around. "And its not just the constant sex."

"We needed the time to try and find the rune." Darious pointed out. "While our host is likely to convince us to try and stay, we'll also be busy looking for the rune. We'll stay until every single island in this chain has been thoroughly searched."

"That does seem like the best way. Hopefully it doesn't end with one of us wanting to join their weird cult." Mila said

Later that night, the crew was shown to a private tent that night where they could spend their time. Once everyone had gone to sleep, Mila slipped out of her bed as she explored the island on her own for any signs of the rune. As she explored, she came across...
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