The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe

Nocturnal Meetings

By: Drakin

Mila had been exploring the garden when she heard a voice from the shadows.

"You shouldn't be out wandering this place at night dear. You might find something you'll regret."

Mila turned and saw a green scaled figure with red hair emerge from the shadows. Though she wore minimal clothing, she actually had more than any other member of tribe she'd yet seen. Which made her immediately suspicious. "Who are you?"

"You're looking for that treasure aren't you?" she answered with a smirk, not answering the question, "I'd be careful. The locals might seem friendly and open but they don't just give up their secrets to any outsider. You'll either need to win their trust or be exceptionally sneaky and fast to get away with it. And frankly you don't strike me as either."

"I'll ask again, who are you?" Mila replied, feeling nervous now. If this female knew their intentions one wrong word could get them all kicked off the island. And that was a best-case scenario.

The gecko girl grinned as she stepped a little closer, "You can call me Tam-Tam. And I've been following your group for a while now. And I know the items you're looking for."

"And why should I trust you?"

"You shouldn't," Tam-Tam replied with a hair flip, "In this place you shouldn't trust anything. Especially not first impressions. That dragoness who shows you around today? Used to be royal guard. A MALE royal guard.”

Mila blinked at that bit of news as her brain struggled to reconcile the images. “Ok, and why are you telling this besides just trying to disturb me.”

“To help you understand this place is not going to let you walk out of here in the same form you came in. Not if you don't watch your every step. And I can help you.”

“How can you help?”

Tam-Tam replied...

Choice 1: “I used to be a part of this tribe until I left. They might trust me more since they knew me years ago. I can help you get into some place they don't let newcomers go.”

Choice 2: I've been watching this tribe for a while in secret. I know what they want to see in new arrivals. If they see something they don't like they'll put you through 'special initiation'. And the being that goes in won't be the same one coming out. You need my help to show them what they want to see in your crew.”

Choice 3: “Did you know they've already taken your other friend from the ship? Oh yes, he'll be put through initiation tonight. Once he's here they hope to entice the rest of your crew to stay permanently.”

Choice 4: “I know how you can counter their methods of transforming your crew. But I'm not telling unless your captain agrees to let me join up.
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