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The Adventures of George W. Bush

You walk in to John Ashcroft's office. Any normal person would question why someone that resigned the position of Attorney General over a year ago still has an office in the department, but the thought never crosses your mind.

You see him dutifully reading his Bible, as he does every weekday from 8 to 11 in the morning.

"Hey, John!" you say. "What did you want to see me about?"

Mr. Ashcroft closes his Bible, carefully marking his place with a bookmark. "Oh, I just wanted to make sure that you read your Bible verses for today, Mr. President. Because the Second Coming will present itself VERY SOON NOW and we can't have a President that isn't up too snuff on his Bible when that happens, now can we?"

"No worries, John. I read the verses."

"Good" Ashcroft says. "Anything else you want to talk about?"
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