Gwen's Dating Sim

Finally! Alright, back to the story. Nyx just asked you who to pick, and you list picked the half elf. Good job.

"I will go tawk to the half elf." You say.
Nyx nods and you split up.
You saunter up to his table and sit down. "Hello Captain," you say.
The man is a half wood elf, and he looks up at you tired but intense green eyes that only caught your attention once they locked with yours, but then you couldn't look away. Though you don't realize it yet, the fatigue in those eyes is all to similar to your own when you fall into memories of your past. He's like you, he's been in that dark place. But he's out. The confidence in his shoulders tells you that. You realize that this man has earned his rank as Captain, no small feat in these pirate infested waters.
"Hello," he says softly. "I take it you seek passage?"
"Yes, I'm Gwen, by the way."
He offers you a hand for a shake. "Captain Jim Cromwell, at your service. How may I help you?" There's a soft and composed smile on his face.

You have 2 choices:

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