Gwen's Dating Sim

You accept the shake and smile. "I would like to go to Cavenchila's Kitten."

"I can do that. It will be 35 gold down, then an additional 5 gold for every person and animal. If you would like to ensure a return trip, I have a homing pigeon that can be released to notify me, but that will cost 50 gold in case Wilburt, the pigeon, passes in your care. He's expensive, after all. 45 of that gold will be returned after. Then the return trip costs the same as the trip to the island."

"Okay. Thank you." You smile. As you start to get ready to haggle, Nyx talks to you. "Hey I just got us passage Gwen!"

Cromwell smiles a bit. "Ah. I see your friend has already reached a deal with Captain Gypsy. He's a good captain. You'll be taken care of. Safe travels, bard."
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