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An Island Adventure

The pilot obliges, performing some of the sexiest dance moves you have ever seen.
Slowly, without realising it, you and your fellow survivors become so entranced by his pelvic sorcery that you all start to move along with him.
Soon, you are all on your feet, swaying and moving to a rhythm none of you can hear but all of you can feel.
It's hot under the glaring sun and soon clothes start to come off and inhibitions drop...

Several years later, a news report surfaces detailing how a lone survivor was found.

They had somehow escaped from the plane crash and had managed to make a small shelter using wood from the trees and a knife that had been fashioned from what looked like animal bone.
He told his rescuers that everyone else had perished on the flight and he had been alone all this time.

That survivor was the pilot, David Babcock.

He never spoke about his time on the island, nor what had happened, but as he grew old his daughter (we shall call her #56) would often catch him staring into the sky, as a plane passed overhead, and smiling to himself.

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