Superheroes are Normal?

You stand tall, and readjust your footing so you could look as intimidating as possible. You start to take deep and shaky breaths so you could calm down your anxious jittery self. Once your shakiness was partially rid of, you opened your mouth to fire back at what the rude boy had said to you

“Hey! Did your mom ever teach you about this thing called MANNERS?” You fired back at the boy with a tone that could’ve matched his rude statement just seconds earlier.

The boy’s eyes widened in slight shock, and you could finally see the color of his eyes that were now not scrunched in never-ending fury: Blood red. Well, that’s definitely not a natural eye color, but at this point in this alternate society, what isn’t normal?

The boy’s grin grew wider, “Of course I know what manners are, idiot. I just use them if the person I talk to is actually significant.” He scoffed, his grin malicious as ever.

Ouch, that one hurt...not! Now you're definitely not backing down on this fight, especially since there were students forming a circle around the two of you to make a living arena. If you run away now, then your social status might be at stake! You decide to just keep talking, I mean, there’s got to be some school faculty around here somewhere that’s seeing this fight about to break out.

To buy yourself some time, you start to speak, “Well if I’m just so “Insignificant”, then why’re you all bark and no bite? Are you too intimidated to actually throw hands, “Idiot”?” You mocked his deep and grumbly voice while you spat out your foul words.

Oh man, did that make that kid even more furious. His fists clenched and unclenched with pure anger. Although your comments seem to have affected him, all it did was simply fuel the raging bonfire in-front of you.

The boy snickered, “Who said I wasn’t gonna throw hands, Pipsqueak?!”

Oh boy, now the kid is approaching you, slowly, but definitely surely. The closer he got, the more you could hear slight snaps and crackles coming from his hands, and soon, you knew you weren’t seeing things when sparks began flailing around his palms. If he lands a hit on you with that firepower, literally, on his side, things will definitely get nasty. He’s getting closer, and the sparks are only growing bigger, what’s the next best move?
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