Superheroes are Normal?

Alright, you’ve seen a drop kick before on some YouTube video that one time, and it seems like that move would really come in handy right now, so I guess you’ve just gotta wing it.

Suddenly, that ball of anger that you were currently struggling with started to approach you faster, and soon he was right in front of you, ready to hit you straight in the jaw. You quickly reminisced on that drop kick YouTube video, then you close your eyes and just followed your instincts.

A few seconds later you heard a THUMP, followed by a rough “Oof-“. You opened your eyes to meet a sight you were definitely not expecting. He was actually on the ground! Oh my god, you thought you weren’t going to pull it off for a second there!

Soon enough though, the boy hopped right back up onto his feet, red in the face from both embarrassment and anger. It was a funny sight to watch, one moment this kid was about to kill you, the next moment he’s a hot, angry mess! You almost wanted to laugh, but you knew he still had the upper hand with that quirky power he’s got. The boy’s face turned back to serious mode, and that’s the moment you realized that you were now definitely digging yourself a hole that most likely ended in you getting beat up into a pulp.

The boy stared at you with a lack of emotion, and just as he was about to say something, the first bell rang. The both of you turned towards the entrance gate, then soon booked it to try and make it to class in the next three minutes.

While sprinting to your classroom, the boy barked out, “THANKS FOR MAKING ME LATE, PIPSQUEAK!” He huffed out in annoyance, avoiding eye contact while he mumbled profanities under his breath.

You stopped in-front of your designated classroom. You expected the angry kid to continue to his home room as well, but he stopped next to you as well. Oh boy…

“SO YOU’RE TELLING ME WE’RE IN THE SAME CLASS?!” The boy shouted in fury, while you just flat-out ignored him.

Today has already been a rough one, and you can only guess that it was going to be a rough year as well…especially with this kid.

Well, if you don’t hurry up, you might be late on your first day, don’t wanna make this day any worse than it is now...

You have 1 choice:

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