Superheroes are Normal?

The first day of High school. Something that is feared by many, but soon the fears are quenched by past friends reuniting after the long summer break. Unfortunately, you were still nervous as all get out, because you transferred and currently, you literally don’t know a single face going to this school. This was the TOP hero school, after all, with many kids coming from all around the country to study to become professional heroes. How did you get in? Good grades, and your power, which hasn't even showed up yet. Being made fun of in middle school by being called a “Late Bloomer” got seriously annoying, but you DID have the gene, so you were just praying to God that your teacher won’t put you in a mock fight with some psycho with a thirst for blood before your power finally reveals itself. Your power, according to doctors, will be extremely flexible depending on what situation it comes out in. For now though, you were just waiting for the day where is actually shows itself.

Currently, you were forced to wear a school uniform that felt like dingy shower curtains on your skin while walking to, what you assumed to be the entrance of your new school. Yikes, not only can you already sense the coming rashes that this stupid dress shirt is going to cause you, but you can also feel the immense pressure looming in the atmosphere. Well, you can’t back out now, because this school’s tuition is already a reason to stay put. You walk around the entrance area. It’s oddly clean, with multiple stone archways leading to the school doors, with a rustic cobblestone pathway underneath. The school, to put it in short, was obnoxiously big. It resembled one of the many glass skyscrapers that resides in New York City, the sun reflecting on the building windows to create an blinding glare. This is going to be...interesting.

While looking up at the tower-like school, you felt a harsh bump on your right shoulder. You stumbled a bit, but managed not to fall. You turn to face a boy who had an ugly scowl painted on his features. His fair skin was scrunched in anger, and he had some messy pitch-black hair that matched his personality fairly well. He unexplainable amount of pent-up anger within his whole body, and to your luck, he was about to release all of the energy onto you.

“Ugh, what the heck!? Move idiot! You wanna pick a fight or something?!” He yelled in an obnoxious volume, attracting the attention and glances of other students who began to start whispering.

He didn’t seem to be moving, the boy just stood their like a hawk ready to swoop down on it’s prey. Quite honestly, it was terrifying, but he can’t just step all over you like that! Teaching him some common human decency might be a mistake...but its not like he actually has the guts to throw a fist...right?
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