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The Paradox Factor

You are standing just outside of the lab. In your hands you have a yellow manilla envelope and a cup of Starbucks coffee. Bill opens the lab door and smiles at you.

"Hey Bill, I was just wondering.", you ask. "Do you remember when we came up with the idea of preserving the paradox?"

Bill smiles at you. "Sure do, buddy. It was back in that coffee shop in college, wasn't it? Or did you have it figured out before that. I'm not too sure. We may never get a paradox factor of exactly zero though."

You shake your head in confusion and say, "It doesn't matter now, here, this is for you. I'm going up on the roof for a breath of fresh air."

You hand the coffee and the manilla envelope to Bill. He takes it with a curious smile on his face.

"See you later, Bill.", you say as you turn away and walk down the hall.
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