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The Paradox Factor

"Okay, okay, you make the lunches up yet?", you ask as you get out of bed with an exagerated yawn.

"Nope! I came straight here to wake you up! Maybe Mommy's downstairs making them.", Chris yells as he pushes you towards the hallway.

As you leave the bedroom you pick up the black leather case that holds your old polaroid camera. You put the strap over your shoulder as you walk down the hallway towards the stairs.

Chris is talking excitedly about how many fish he's going to catch and how he's going to cook each one.

You are rubbing your eyes as you walk into the kitchen. Your first inclination that something is wrong is Chris's gasp and silence.

The kitchen floor is covered with blood and laying in the center of it is your wife, Jill. Her eyes are open and glazed over, staring upwards at the ceiling. The front of her housecoat has been cut to shreds and dark red blood has congealed all over it.

You immediately notice that the kitchen door's window has been smashed in. Apparently this was how the intruder entered the kitchen. On the kitchen counter you see a large butcher knife, it's edge red with wet sticky blood.

You are broken from your revery by Chris's high pitched scream.
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