(NOT A STORY)Chars31 Info

I did factory work throughout my hometown, worked a few retail jobs, and ultimately got back in the call center gig, which is where I'm at, at the time of writing this(and how I have time to write this, lol).

Dated off an on throughout my 20's and now I'm engaged(Not to a person from Chars! lol) we met the old fashioned way, through a dating app XD.

That's pretty much it, my story is similar in nature to anyone else's who was a user there, back in the day. Although a lot of them aren't as transparent about it as I am, so whatever happened to the rest of the users from then is a mystery, and that's part of the allure of why I'm trying to set up this beacon. But you can read more about that in the "What is this for?" section of this index.

If you've made it this far, thanks for taking the time to read a bit into my history with Chars31, where I came from, where I went, and where I'm going. Things are going pretty good for now, and I hope they have been for you as well! If you wish to further explore the potential future of Chars31 and it's patronage, especially if you are one of the "Pioneers" like I was, feel free to check out the "Contact?" portion of this for details!

Thanks again!

Cheers. :3
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