(NOT A STORY)Chars31 Info

I had a few over the years and during the migration from DBZ, to Chars31, to AceDigimon, so I don't remember all of them.

When I used the DBZ chat, it was probably something like Raditz, because when the translation was being caught up by Funimation for Canadian television, Vegeta hadn't been fully introduced yet, and everyone in those chats used character names and persona's, so I'm sure after a while it became Vegeta. These died out very soon in Chars though, as not many people ended up keeping DBZ characters in use around 2000-2001.

There was probably 2 or 3 different names I used in the beginning at Chars31, but the one I remember the best that I used exclusively(and you may or may not remember me by this one was my character named "Bullet".

When we were coming up with idea's and everything, I noticed in fights, that usually people who made their character have mechanical traits, or artificial characteristics could give their persona a neat mix of abilities and make their endurance better(somehow?) I guess it's easier to Titanium plate a mechanical arm or legs for better resistance and defence, than it is a human one, or a Saiyan or even anthropomorphic character. Basically my thinking was, the more fake the structure, the easier it would be to customize for either offense or defense or some other cheap bullshit, lol.

As for the nickname itself, if I remember correctly, one specific summer afternoon when I was 12 or 13, I was in a fight that was over quite quickly with a newcomer, and this particular one went very well for me because I was jacked up on Mellow Yellow, or Jolt cola or something, and I was typing at ridiculous speeds and with great accuracy that day, and he said something in the nature of "This guy's a bullet!" And it just sort of stuck, so I believe "Bullet" is the username I stuck with until I stopped going in my early teen years. This character was some sort of android, and was not well received, mostly because before a fight was initiated, I would use the asterisks to state what my abilities were, which would be acknowledged by the offending party, however during battle, they would undermine it, or just completely disregard it's existence. When more and more people were joining into groups or "clans" this only fueled that, as spectators would take my side, but their associates would back them up, even if they were in the wrong.

Eventually instead of pressing against this, I just owned up to it, and Bullet eventually became something of an antagonist, or at times a bit of an "Anti-hero" character. Even if I helped someone out, or backed them up, they didn't want to associate with my character much, and the ones who did were often shunned, or scolded by their peers, simply because of this stigma early on. I am happy to say though, that Bullet did turn a bit of a new leaf towards the end, as I wound up with more friends online than enemies. So things worked out okay!

Anyways this is going on WAY too long, so thanks again for reading this "bio" I guess you could call it.

End Of Story