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Another Monday Morning

You begin writing your autobiography in a hope you'll be written down in history by generation to generation, you import it across the world and you gain 500 Moniez in return.

Many people read it after your death for some reason..mostly bums..they began preaching you as some sort of Bum-Overlord-God-Thing. To them it was the Bible. least you had SOME kind of support, and this one is probably the best you can get, you are their Religion for Gods (Your) sake!

Well..God. I guess this is the end..unless you start again, the Bums will continue to preach you, their dirty hands worshipping you in filth, the Government has built a nice church somewhere society won't wreck it. It also works as a homeless shelter, they have a statue of you outside it, with your name crafted into it, they have even designed a mini version of the island you lived and died on, they never listen to Heavy Metal, this and anime is still banned in the area of the churches, anyone caught listening or watching this stuff will be put on an island with scarce food and no water, nothing at all except the fine coconut trees and a few spurts of grass, not to mention the calm waves of the sea.
End Of Story