The Church

You make a group decision that it probably won't go that well, but you need to at least get back up on stage and see what happens.

You've made it this far!

Jack: "Aaalllrright folks, let's welcome back to the stage for round 2, Gardwin Cloud!"

The audience now flooding with more faces that you don't recognize with very few that you still do, remaining, begins a low, but complimentary applause.

Taylor hobbles up on stage, constantly rubbing his right eye, struggling to get his placement on the fret board.

Josh shakes his head as he prepares the first song, giving you a tired glance.

You are all nerves. You begin to turn up the volume on Taylor's Squier connected to the large amp behind you as it begins to buzz and hiss horribly.

Josh turns his microphone off and on, multiple times as it also gains more and more hissing feedback.


You awkwardly start belting out your fourth song in your roster with the crowd recoiling, covering their ears and cringing hard.

Once the first round of "Boos" start forming in the crowd, Josh quickly begins packing up his gear and exits, stage right.

Josh: "Sorry boys, we're done here."

Taylor, still possibly concussed, insists the show must go on and starts on the fifth and final song you had all prepared.

You struggle to play as finally, Jack approaches and waves you offstage.

As you finally concede, you and Taylor start to pack up the gear into Josh's truck, but you are so distraught, it is placed inefficiently leaving no room for the two of you, as Mandy and Josh drive off.

You retreat home in defeat, where at least a freshly ordered pizzer awaits you both.


You have 1 choice:

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