The Church

QUEST ADDED: Hot Town, Summer In The City

June 25th, Sunday, 2:30PM, 2006

The school year is coming to an end, and things have got a bit less hectic, as the weather gets nicer.

You haven't hung out much with Josh and Mandy at their place, since the awkward performance at Shenanigans, three months ago.

You've only seen Taylor a handful of times as well, both of which briefly at Church Street.

You wake up and start thinking about plans for the summer. You will be turning 17!

As you have been home a lot lately, and not been hanging out enough, you decide to see what people are up to through MSN.

Oddly enough on this Sunday, the computer is freed up!

As you log in, you briefly forget your password. It's the password you always use! You'll never change it!

There's no way you could forget'll probably be using it for EVERYTHING, even 14 years later probably!

What was it again?
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