Hiei Part 1

You put the Sun crystal down in the white bowl, and then raised the Moon crystal over your head as you gave the last sentence. *The power of the moon; shall come and fight hard for what it wants. No power is stronger, the earth is it's own. Creep like a dead shadow and over all life, kill what you need, this is your kingdom!* A black light, radiated from the moon shot through the glass roof and through your body. But you didn't feel a thing as it fully passed through, and it continued, through the disc and hit the sand ground below. The Girto Temple began to shake; glass pots from the shelves began to fall and crash on the solid rock floor. "What did you Do!" Hiei yelled. *Everyone needs to get to the center of the disk!* Likaid yelled in Triton. "You guys, Likaid said we have to all be in the center of the disk, get over here!" you yelled, everyone began to run to the center where you stood. Just then, a large black paw swatted at the top of the disc, hitting Kurama off.
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