And All Things Will End

Light fades from behind you; you must have taken a different path. You turn, but it looks the same as the way you are going. You turn again, and a dead end greets you unsympathetically. You whirl around once more, and cannot see. The impenetrable darkness hovers around you like a blanket wrapped around your face, and it is stifling.

You stumble through the black, arms outstretched and fumbling against jagged walls.

This carries on for some time.

The darkness begins to sing to you in a cold yet motherly voice. The words are indecipherable, but you understand the intent. They sing of lands far away, lands that cannot be reached by land or sea. These lands are forever, and are ruled by the twin sisters Peace and Tranquility.

Your muscles burn, protesting the strain put upon them. They beg and plead, entreating you to stop and rest. The pain is unbearable. You press on.

The voice of the darkness grows slightly louder. Your muscles grow more painful. You press on.

The darkness is singing loudly now, its voice at a fever pitch. The lyrics are delirium, and the chorus is eternity. Your muscles start to seize up and spasm. You collapse.
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