And All Things Will End

You speak your questions aloud. Aela seems to be as confused as you are, but together you attempt to puzzle some of it together.

First, you start with Hunter. Him being a mage was a bit of a surprise, but you do not have much time to dwell on this revelation. He clearly suspected something of great importance would be found somewhere in these mines, to the point where he was willing to cast a spell that forced the two of you to the entrance. Even his demise did not halt the spell, suggesting great force put behind it. So, then, what was so important?

Aela thinks for a moment, then her head jerks upward. Even in the dark of the cave you can see her eyes alight.

"Perhaps he believed the answer to the village massacre lies somewhere in these mines. That's the only thing I can think of that would be so important."

That's all well and good, but how did he attain this theory?

"Well, being a mage implies a sensitivity to the arcane and esoteric. So, um, he could've felt the, erm, vibrations from some massive...thing...somewhere in these mines. Therefore, he tried to lead us to it."

You nod slowly. He was behaving entirely different from earlier after he awoke. This theory could explain his frantic behavior.

Hm. That implies that the thing beneath also spawned whatever creatures chased you. Perhaps it recognized that Hunter was going to lead you too it, and sent those to kill you. That is, of course, if whatever down there is a living entity rather than some event. Perhaps naught but insanity and madness lies below, and the two of you are trotting right into its waiting jaws.

During this pondering you reflexively stared deep into the black of the cave, for the removal of visual stimuli is the best way to attain deep thought. Due to this, you had not realized Aela walking slower, growing closer to you. Perhaps she had not even realized, for she calls no attention to it. You can feel warmth emanating from her. The romantic part of your mind quaintly imagines it is her body heat, but the torch is the far more likely source of heat.

The path angles downward.

You have 1 choice:

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