And All Things Will End

You heft your sword into a wide arc, striking deeply into the skull. The blade cleaves through the skull with surprising ease, and horizontally bisects its face. Intestinal tract and stomach lining drip from the wound you made, blood spewing mildly. You realize that, while the face was human, the physiology was wholly alien.

You do not have time to correct your mistake. The beast wraps its elongated fingers around your skull and deftly pivots them upwards. Your skullcap is smashed against the top of the cave. The pain is unbearable, you can feel it broken in certain parts. You ponder the decisions that have led you to this moment, and wonder how else your life could have gone. These ruminations do not last; the beast slams you again, and underneath the wet sound of your brain matter being punctured by the jagged rock you lose your higher functions.

You exist in a world of pain. This is all you know.

When your skull is completely ground to meal, the beast forces it into the wound you made. Acid melts away your features, and you feel no more.

You have 1 choice:

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