And All Things Will End

Whether it is due to fear possessing your limbs and forcing them to freeze or your brain desperately trying to formulate a plan, you remain still. Aela looks at you wide-eyed, then at the door, then back at you. Decision made, she rushes toward you, firmly grabs your motionless arm with both hands, and pull you toward the door.

"Come on, we can't stay here!". You allow yourself to be pulled.

Hunter's mumbling rises to a scream and he bolts upright, eyes white covered with blood.

"The mines! We have to go to the mines!" In a moment he is on his feet, sprinting heavily toward the door with speed not befitting a man that has just awoken. It is locked shut, but he does not break his stride. Rather, he angles his shoulder toward it and, with a sickening crunch, breaks through it. The lock gives way and the night opens before you.

The barn shudders, and you hear the smashing of wood behind you. You feel millions of eyes on your back. Turning around is an impossibility.

Hunter sprints off into the blackness, and Aela follows with you in tow.

You have 1 choice:

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