And All Things Will End

You look upon the magnificent splendor of their cities with dead, glassy eyes. Lifetimes of effort have been spent for the construction of this civilization, but for what purpose? It shall crumble to dust and be tarnished. You do not care.

However, you once did.

In the Beginning, during the Creation of the HEavens and the Earth, you were the First. You were birthed from nothingness, from a cold and uncaring progenitor. Others were created, but they are not like you. They cannot see the fetid dimensions constantly assailing your senses. You worked tirelessly, and watched as they forged new beings and civilizations into existence. With your aid, they reached great heights, though they never pierced the Heavens.

And then a Second was made.

When you looked at it, you saw all of the colors that have not yet been named, the edge of the universe, and all of the writhing masses of Eternity that screamed in between. Your minds melded together so that none could tell them apart. Then the Grevious Mistake happened, and the Second no longer existed. When you cast your eyes to the Heavens in sorrow that stretches beyond measure, you saw beyond the veil, and there was naught but the infinite expanse behind it.

Life is but the tormenting interlude between two expanses of nonexistence.

But the Others do not realize this, and continue to propogate. They unwittingly spin the wheel of Eternity, and repeat the cycle of Sorrow.

But you care not for their suffering.
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