* Monkeying Around - The MPP Show * (WIP)

Pop Goes the Monkey

"...Pop! Yes, yes, Pop the popsicle! Am I correct?"

PanPan looks at you with disappointment but understandable eyes.

"Oh.. um.. maybe. She's been online a lot so I guess." he says.

PanPan offers his back out, not sure what he's doing...he then says,
"I'll bring it to her, thank you."

You cut him off, you don't want this plan to blow up!

You then say, "Oh! Uh, sorry. I can't! Pop said.... I-I have to deliver this
to her.... personally!"

Nervously, you sweat and shake. PanPan looks at you with concern, but he
shrugs his shoulders and lets you in.

You snicker secretly and climb up to Pop's room with your monkey skills.





You knock on the door.

"Who is it?"

That must be Pop! You think it is.

"Uhh, delivery for.... Pop?"

The door opens slowly. Out comes...






A creamsicle, flavored strawberry. That's Pop alright.

"Huh? But I never ordered..." Pop stops saying what she was saying.

She takes a close look at you.

You sweat in fear as she comes closer.




[What the HECK do you do NOW?]


This story is based on The Monkey Poo Poo Show created by the Hello Young Squire Company

Copyright © 2019 Hello Young Squire

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