* Monkeying Around - The MPP Show * (WIP)


For no apparent reason. You stay still...

Why? I don't know.

You sweat waterfalls from your head down to your butt.
You shiver a little. Is she going to find out?

Pop is getting reaaallly close...

"So, where do I sign?" she says.

PHEW!!! You sigh with relief.

"Uhh, you don't need to sign actually!" you say to her.

She looks at you again. With suspicion in her face.
She glares at you.

Oh gosh, even without eyes she still terrifies me!! you think to yourself.

"Hey... you're not a mailman, aren't you?" she says with a stern tone.

You look away from her and start scooting out of the room.
But once you started doing that...

"HEY!" she shouts, "MONKEY POO POO BROKE IN!!!"

You want to scream but you can't. You hear thunderstorms in the house.
It feels like an earthquake, coming up to Pop's bedroom.

You rush out of the room and into the kitchen.

"LET ME OUT!!!!!" you scream as you try to open the front door.

It won't budge.

Oh no.

You get cornered.

This is the end for you...







You're going to be Monkey Poo Poo Stew...



Copyright © 2019 Hello Young Squire
End Of Story