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Deciding that waiting a bit longer to start can't hurt you sit down to watch Q. As you sit you see your other team member May staring at Fin in amazement.
"Hello, Cyrus," Fin says as she closes her eyes.
"Yo," you reply.
"How was your day?"
"Boring, how was yours?"
Q finally broke his concentration and cheers, "Done."
"Thanks, Q it is beautiful."
"Alright take a picture and wash it off. We need to get training." Then everyone sighs almost in unison. Time to practice using our powers. Fin has telepathy, Q can read minds, May can shapeshift into animals and you can phase through things like a ghost. The team gathers their stuff and gets dressed for training. As usaul, the lesson Q was trying to teach went one ear and out the other. It was basically just us practicing activating and using powers.
Almost a month goes by of the same old, same old when one day Q comes to training pretty upset.
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