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The whole training session Q wasn't very talkative which is very out of the ordinary for the alien. This put everyone in a terrible mood. No one was productive and it was awful. Finally, it was over and you can go home. Walking home you see Blaze. Blaze is only the most annoying and prideful kid at school, mostly due to his self proclaimed most powerful superpower, pyrokinesis. Your mood only gets worse. As you pray that he doesn't see you, he walks up to you.
"Cyrus, guess what," He obnoxiously says as he gets a little too close to your face.
"What?" You roll your eyes as you ask.
"I'm going on my first mission tomorrow! I bet your team hasn't even dreamed of going on a mission."
"That's cool. My team will do a mission when we are ready so we can actually succeed unlike you."
"Rude, I know I will succeed. Anyway, how is Fin?"
"I don't know, why don't you ask her yourself?"
Blaze glares at you as he walks into his house. "Bye." You don't respond.
The next day training rolls around again and Q still seems upset. This time Fin asks what is going on and thank goodness because another day like yesterday would be awful.
"I think you guys should go on a mission."
"How is that bad?"
"So many things can go wrong so I will leave it up to you guys."
"I'm not ready!" May shouts.
"I think we are," Fin calmly says.
"Well, it is up to you Cyrus."

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