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The Drakes of Heaven and Earth.

Roland Raionzu:[Very quietly] I know the alliance is in a panic since they've lost 2/5ths of their core guilds...Problem is...Someone has to die today...Be it you...Me...Tempestas...Or my daughter...

CG:[Quietly] Then I'll fake your death...Make a fake corpse so realistic, no one could tell the difference...But...You'd have to leave your daughter...[Forging a blade of Earth Priest Stone*, plated with steel foil] Until the Balam Alliance is powerless...

RR:[Quietly] Very well...[Drawing his short sword]...Use my Freesian hides...[He takes off his orange Freesian Lion's coat, jacket and vest]...And make the alliance pay...

CG:[Taking off his coat. Quietly] I will...

[The two men glared each other. Blades at the ready. Then, within a flash, they struck. Roland was opened up by the puedo-blade but instead of killing him, the blade injected him with a concoction of chemicals that would make his death seem completely real down to the last detail.]

RR:["Dying"] It seems I've become the hunted...*Coughing*...[Grabbing Clay] Make them pay!...*Coughing*...Make them pay for killing Melissa...For taking my Millianna...And...Protect my Cecilia...My...Coco...

[The toxins took affect. He was as far as anyone else could tell...Dead.]

NinjaHound13: Yeah, yeah...He's Millianna's dad AND Coco's dad...In fairness, they look like they could be related. So why not? I think Goldmine and Wakaba might be related. Think about it!

ES: *Gasps* (He's...He's Millianna's father...?) [Tearing up]

[Clay closed the assassin's eyes in respect]

CG:[Lying] May you find your Melissa in the afterlife...

CH: Clay? [She points at his abdomen, opened up by Roland's blade. Clay's hot, lava-like blood dripped from the wound. He collapsed to the ground.]



Stranger:[Rushing towards them] CLAYTON! [Pushing the ladies out of the way] CLAYTON! MY FRIEND! DON'T YOU DIE ON ME![He scrambles to pull out a large bottle of a brownish-grey liquid, opening it up and making Clayton drink it.]

[After drinking a third of the bottle, the bleeding stopped.]

CG:[Looking a the man] Rocco?!

Rocco Canary:[Shushing Clay] Don't you speak, my friend! Save your energy! I can't believe their was an assassin in Koigokkoro!...Rest...Rest...We'll talk in the morning, my friend...

ES: So...Your Rocco Canary...

RC: Yes! And you're Titania![To Chico] But who are you? Clayton's beloved?


CG:[In some pain] Ouch!...

CH: I'm accompanying him on your job request...

RC:[Nodding] Very good, very good!...[Shouting] SOMEONE GET ME A STRETCHER!...[Calming] You're going to be fine my friend...

[In Clayton's subconscious]

Gednus: Why did you spare him?

CG: Because...He had a daughter to go back to...And another to reunite with...

Gaedey: I knew our city was a city of love...Just didn't know it included this form of love...

CG: Yeah...You two mind helping to take the reins and help make that man a ghost?

Gednus: Very well...I will construct a false corpse...

Gaedey: And I'll wake him up and change his appearance...

G&G: You rest up...

CG: Fine...It may be little more than a paper cut to me...But I've got to sell it...

[Back in the outside world]

RC:[Wrapping up Clayton's wound. To the ladies] So!...You two have a place to stay?!

ES: No...No we dont...

RC: Very well, very well...Help me put him on stretcher! He's really heavy!

[The ladies aided in putting Clayton in the stretcher.]

Now! Let's go to hotel I co-own! Very nice, but very popular! See if we can squeeze you three into a couple of rooms!

CH: Ummm...Shouldn't we take him to a hospital?

RC: No no no! The colloid I gave him should help him in no time! All he needs is rest...

[They head into a large 5-Star hotel]

Receptionist: Hello Mr Canary! What can we do for you today?

RC: I need rooms for these three!

Receptionist:[Search on her database lacrima] Let's see...Seems we only have two bedrooms...Both one Fiore-King sized...[Pulling out two key fobs]

ES:: Alright...Chico! You and I can share a room and-

CH:[Refusing] Uh uh! I'll share it with him...

ES: What for?

CH: You had way too much sugar today...And we both know what happens when you have too much...I'm not gonna end up like Levy was that night...

ES:[Embarrassed] You've made your point...But let's get Clay into bed...

[After getting Clay into the bed, Erza left to go to her room, while Chico got comfortable and ready for bed.]

CH:[Looking at Clayton] (He beat him in a flash...Took his life like it was second nature...But...He didn't enjoy it...He...He knew it had to be done...)

Souls:[Morphed into Happy. Impersonating Happy] Oh , wow! You lo-o-ove him!

CH:[Annoyed] Get back in the crystal!

[All but one soul return.]

Well?! What are you still doing here?!

Soul:[Telepathically] He did not kill him...He saved him...Saved him from the Dark Ones...[He returned to the crystal]

CH:[Confused. Clutching the crystal in front of her face] What do mean "The Dark Ones"?! HELLO!? Get back out here and explain-

[A large, slitted-eye stared back at her]

[Frightened] AAAH!!![She chucks the necklace across the room. Noticing it didn't reappear on her] Hey...Why didn't it reappear on me-[Upon thinking aloud, the necklace flash back to around her neck.] Huh?!...Huh...Must only reappear when I want it to...But what was that eye?...I've gotta remember to ask him when he gets to...[She gets in bed, under their shared comforter] Woah, it's warm in here!...But...In a cozy way...*Yawns*...Goodnight Clay...I have some questions for you when you wake up...[She scoots in closer to him to be better embraced by the warmth.]

Earth Priest Stone-Specialised earth magic designed to non-lethally incapacitate foes only. Any significant wound made with it will be healed by the stone's Magic, but the Magic tricks the target's nervous system into thinking the initial wound is worse than it actually was.
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