In The Dark

Soon you came to a large spiral stone stairs that led up a tower. With a hard shove you walked up the stairs, the higher you went the darker it became. Pretty soon it got so dark you thought you wouldn't be able to see and fall backwards to your death. Yep you were right but you didn't fall Scar was right behind you shoving you foward some more.

It felt like hours went by but there up ahead was a light dim but effective, you finally reach the top of the stairs at the end was a Huge Black Doors. Cail stepped forward and lightly tapped on the door, nothing happened for a little while until you heard a little whisper, a chant if you will and the doors opened. Cail motioned you to step inside, knowing that you didn't have a choice you walked into the doors, everything was in pitch darkness the light dissapeared as the doors closed tightly, there was no escape.

You have 1 choice:

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