In The Dark

It was the middle of the night, Sukasa was tossing and turning in his bed. "UHH, why did we ever come here"he groaned. His fists were balled up so tight His knuckles were white. "I don't care what hapens i'm getting her out of there"he continued trying to stand up but he stopped something in his mind froze him.

"You Idiot, don't be stupid you'll die before your twenty feet in front of the door" it sounded like it was your voice.

"Keone, is that you, how are you doing that"he squeaked.

"I'm not Keone, I'm your consence stupid, I'm knocking some sence into that thick head of yours before you end your life."

"I DON"T CARE" he said walking toward the door wincing in pain.

"Alright, fine, end your life see if I care enjoy the other world"it continued "but for all I know, your wasting your time"

But he didn't listen, he was already out the door andnon his way(aren't you lucky).

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