One Way Out

You ran to the furthest room from the scene. Your legs carried you there. You bolted inside the room and proceeded to lock the door. Turning around, you see a sleeping Alexis. You walked towards her and called her name softly but she's still asleep. You shook her gently. No response. You tried your best to wake her up but to no avail.
A bang against the door. You looked at the door. Another bang. Someone seemed to be throwing themselves into the door, possibly to get in. You tried harder to wake Alexis but you had to give up, she didn't seem like she was ever waking up again. Not with someone trying to get in. The frame buckled. You looked around the room and settled to hide behind the teacher's desk.
A big bang and a yell of triumph. He was in. You didn't know who, but it was male for sure. You heard footsteps approach you. Then stop. A pop and a squishy sound. Whatever he was doing to Alexis, you didn't want to know. Another squish sound. You don't know what it was but it sounded like it hurt. Footsteps leading away and onto the tile floor.
You looked up and saw nobody around. After crawling out of the table, you saw Alexis's limp body on the ground, her eyes had pens jutting out. She seemed like she was crying tears of blood. Her mouth was open and blood leaked out. You looked away. Whoever that was, he must've been very good and creative at killing people.
As soon as you walked out of the classroom, you heard an announcement over the school intercom system: "Would anyone in good condition come down to the cafeteria. We're trying to have a meeting there where we can discuss everything that's going on. As civilized people."
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