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Doors and More Doors

It tastes unbelievable. In fact, you enjoy it so much so that you are inspired to become a Japanese chef. After the last bite, you look at the other food options and chuckle. How could you ever believe that those were even slightly good compared to this Kobe beef? You can feel the walls around you shift. 'Where am I anyway?' you ask yourself. You look around. The walls are white and boring. The door in the wall across from you is a dark brown. A single light hangs from the ceiling. It's dull and doesn't shine nearly as bright as it should. Still, its orange glow spreads to the furthest shadowy depths of the room. You lay your fork and knife down on your cream colored plate. Some meat sauce still sits in the crevices of the dish. The taste is still with you. You sigh. You're tired from this enormous meal, and you can't seem to get up from your chair. Or, you don't want to. Maybe it's that. Maybe there is a belief in your heart that you're entitled to another Kobe beef. Possibly it'll float down from the sky and into your stomach in a few hours so you can feel the same joy you just did. You're thinking that maybe, just maybe, this fantasy land will cater to your every need.
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