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Journey through the MCU

You tell him your name is Dingo Mershaw and you're a traveling merchant. He doesn't seem to buy it.

"You're telling me that you, a muddy foreigner who just was crying for help, is a merchant? Where are your goods?" he asks. He caught you start to come up with a lie but lack an idea and so eventually just give up on it.

"I'm not a merchant. You caught me," you say. Big mistake. The tribesman now thinks you're a spy or an invader because of your lie. He raises his club and asks if you are a spy, but you can't hold your fear anymore and it leaves you speechless. The tribesman has heard enough and he calls out. Within minutes, a group of armored bald women with spears approach. They surround you, threatening you with spears. One woman comes forward, probably their leader.

She says, in perfect english, "Who are you really and how did you get past the barrier?"
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