The Drakes of Heaven and Earth.

Narrator: Before the Newly formed team Dragon's Bane left to return to their first client as a team, another Fairy Tail team came to see if they can push their luck for the same mission.

Levy McGarden:[In a maid's uniform] HELLO!?! Is anybody home!?! I came here for the maid’s position!...HELLO!!!

Jet: Is this a good idea!?! What if they already finished!?! What if they get mad if we showed up trying to do their same request!?! What if…[Thinking about Griffin]...What if we invoke Griffin's fury!?!

Droy: Well...Mirajane DID say that they went in not knowing it's reward increased...Maybe they'll be willing to split it!?! And we did talk to the guy posting it, and he said he'd give whichever team who destroyed that book the reward...So there still might be a chance…[Whispering to Jet] Besides...This is a perfect excuse to see Levy in an outfit even sexier than what she usually wears…

[The two blush looking at Levy.]

Griffin:(Sorry to rain on your parade, but we've already beaten the book's owner and taken it into our possession.)

[Team Dragon's Bane exits the still-intact mansion, with a limp-bodied, unconscious Duke Everlue tied-up and gagged.]

Natsu Dragneel: Hey guys! What are you doing out here!?!

Griff: They wanted a cut of the reward…

ND: Is that SO...Well sorry to be a Gray blanket, but Team Dragon's Bane is already done here!

Happy: Aye!

Shadow Gear: Dragon's Bane!?!

Jet:[Confused] Gray blanket?...

Droy:[Pointing out the undamaged book Daybreak.]
But how come you haven't burnt the book into a pile of ash by now!?!

Clay(ton) Grimm:[Grabs Daybreak from Natsu] Well...Maybe Levy can explain it![Tosses the book to Levy, whom then catches it.]

LMG:[Looking at the author's name] NO WAY!!!...DAYBREAK IS WRITTEN BY KEMU ZALEON!?!

Jet&Droy: Zaleon!?!

Jet: Wasn't he a famous wizard or something!?!

Droy: NO!...He was a famous author!...Right!?!

LMG: Actually boys, you both are right! I can see why you didn't immediately destroy it! It's a one of a kind! It must have been an unpublished novel!

Clairissa Suede: Yeah!...But don't you remember Zaleon’s REAL name!?!

LMG: OH MY GOSH!!! You're right! His real name was Zekua Melon!

Jet&Droy: But that must mean…


Droy: But why would he just want it destroyed if it's the only copy of his dad's work!?!

Lucy Heartfilia: Because...It's terrible…

LMG:[Skimming through the book] Wow...This is terrible…

Terra Grimm: It's terrible because it's not the true story…

Shadow Gear:[Confused] Ummm...Who are you?

TG: Oh!...Right...My name is Teresa Anne Grimm...I'm Claire's younger fraternal twin!


TG: I lied...I'm really just shy around new people...When ever I get shy, I try and act like how my boyfriend acts…

LH: Do you really have a boyfriend?...Or are you just saying that?

TG: I may have lied to you before, but I'm not lying to you about my boyfriend…[Pulls out a picture of her and Terence on a date.]See!

LH:[Whining](Even SHE has a boyfriend!?! Wow...I AM starting to feel ugly…)

Duke Everlue:[Subconsciously] Ugly…


CG: Guess he's still awake...Sorta…[Creates a 2x4 plank of wood.] Care to do the honors Lucy?

LH:[Grabs the 2x4] I'd be honored…*Crack!*

[Lucy broke the plank against Everlue's already battered head, knocking him out cold.]

Hap: Hang on...If you aren't an A.I., then how come we saw you come out of TERRA!?!

TG:[Lying] Simple! Magic!...I may be a mage like my older siblings, but I love Street Magic! Ine Cognitto got me hooked on it!

Everyone: Who!?!

TG: He's a member of S.S.F....He's actually a Master Transformation wizard, and Master of Disguise! Speaking of disguises…[With a flash of light, she returned back to her more common appearance.]

Everyone: Woah!

CG: So...Let's a head into TERRA and-OH MY GOD! WHAT HAPPENED TO MY BABY!?!

TG: It was me brother...Everlue was spying on them...So I blew up TERRA to throw of any suspicions...Don't worry! I'll repair her![She uses Ymir's breath to restore TERRA to her former glory.]

Shadow Gear: Wait! She's an Earth Dragon Slayer too!?!

Siblings Grimm: Yep!

CG: Anyways...Shadow Gear! If you want a cut of our reward for the day, you can have one if you help us find the TRUE story in Daybreak…

ND: Hey! Who died and made you leader!?! I was the one who suggested that we form a team, so I should be the leader!

Hap: Aye!

CG: Oh! I'M not the leader! Griffin is!

Griff: If you have a problem with that Natsu…[Twirls staves]...You could always challenge me to a fight...But I warn you...I won't hold back!

ND,Jet&Hap:[Scared for their lives] AAAAAAAHHH!!!!!


CG: Alright! You can come out now!

[A hooded figure came out from the woods, being Lahar under the hood.]

Lahar: *Humph* I forget...There's no point in hiding from you, old friend…

[The wizards greet each other with a firm handshake.]

CG: Took you long enough!

Fairy Tail: Who's that!?!

CS: He's a high ranking official in the Magic Counsel's Rune Knights...And a personal friend of the S.S.F….

Lahar:[Looks to see the marks of the Fairy Tail wizards] Don't tell me you four quit the S.S.F. to join THIS guild! No offense...But many members of the counsel hold negative views of Fairy Tail…

CG: Well then tell the “Magic Counsel” that the S.S.F’s. Team Nidhogg is already playing as damage control for Fairy Tail…

Lahar: Very well...But I don't know how the Magic Counsel will take that news...So...I assume you have evidence that Everlue was actually involved in the Balam Alliance…

Griff:[Holding a pile of evidence] Here you are...Even some confessions in there…[Hands it to Lahar.]

Lahar:[Looking through some of it] Hmmm...With evidence like this, we can put him away for a long time…I'll contact you for your…”Compensations”...But for now…[Grabs Everlue]...I'll take this criminal off your hands...Until we meet again...Siblings Grimm, Griffin...And Fairy Tail…[He leaves.]

Griff: Now...Let's head back to the client...Levy, Lucy, Claire and Terra will try and decode the book. Clay! You drive us back! As for the rest of you boys, you'll play lookout on the way back to Kabby Melon...Got it!?!

Fairy Tail: Yes sir!

Hap: Aye!
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