The Drakes of Heaven and Earth.

Narrator: After decoding Daybreak’s true narrative, the Fairy Tail wizards returned to Kaby Melon.

Lucy Heartfilia: When we read Daybreak, we couldn't believe it was written by Kemu Zaleon, there was no way he would have done something that bad…

Teresa Grim: Without another purpose…

Clairissa Suede: And if memory serves correct...Zaleon was a wizard who specializes in writing magic…

Levy McGarden: On top of being Mr. Melon’s father…

Boys: Yeah! So!?!

Clay(ton) Grimm&Griffin: So that's how we figured that it must have a spell on it…

[Lucy hands Kaby Melon Daybreak.]

Kaby Melon:[Confused] But I requested this book be destroyed...Why on earth are you handing it back to me completely unscathed?

LH: If you'd really want to burn it, then we'd rather you do it yourself…

KM:[Upset] I most certainly Will burn this trash, I never wanted to see it again!

LMG: We completely understand how you feel about this book, Kaby…

LH: You want to protect your father's legacy, because you're actually Zaleon’s son!

CS: Or more correctly...Zekua Melon was your father...Zaleon's true name…

KM: Yes...That's true…

Griff: Have you read it yourself?

KM: No I...I could never bring myself to do it...My father told me it was garbage…

Jet&Droy:[Upset] You were just gonna burn it!?!

KM: I was…


CG:[Pulling Natsu back] THAT'S ENOUGH NATSU!...[Calming down] Let Kaby explain himself…

KM: Please...That book caused my family great heartache and shame...It was thirty-one years ago…


Younger Kaby Melon: Father!?!

Zekua Melon: Forgive me son…[He proceeds to rummage through the drawers.]

YKM:[Mad] We haven't heard anything from you in three years, where have you been all this time!?!

ZM:[Tightening a tourniquet on his right arm] Somewhere I'll not return...It's ALL OVER NOW!

YKM:[Begging] No father!

ZM: I'LL NEVER WRITE AGAIN!!![With a cleaver, he proceeded to cut off his right arm. Screaming with determination, then pain.]

[Flashback interrupted]

LH,ND,LMG,Jet&Droy:[Horrified] AAAAAAAHHH!!!

Hap:[Disturbed] WOAH!

Siblings Grimm: Gaedey above…

Griff:[Keeping a straight face]

[Flashback resumed]

YKM: You should have listened to me...I told you you'd regret working for that horrible Duke Everlue, but you went ahead and did it anyways!...Why!?!

ZM:[Lying] Because it was good money…


ZM:[Genuine] I'm SO glad that I finished that rubbish…

YKM:[Upset] What the heck are you smiling about!?![Rhetorically] Do you think it's funny to leave your family for three years to write a novel you're not even proud of!?!

ZM: Son...I thought about you the entire time I was gone…

YKM:[Mad] Then you should’ve written something more quickly and come back to us! Instead, you abandoned your pride and your family right along with it! You're a sad excuse for a writer!...[Starts to walk off] Selling yourself to the highest bidder…[As he leaves Zekua’s hospital room]...You're not much of a father either.]

[The young Kaby leaves, disappoint at his father. Time passes in the flashback.]

KM:[Narrating] Not long after that...My father passed away...However, the anger and betrayal I felt towards him lived on…

[End of flashback.]

KM:[Narrating] But as the years passed by me...That anger slowly turned into remorse...And now...It's too late for me to ask for his forgiveness...So I decided to make amends by destroying the final work that had caused him so much unhappiness...This is the only way...The only way I can preserve his legacy…[Lights a match]...I'm sure that this is what he'd want…

LH&LMG: No! You're wrong!

KM:[Confused] Huh!?!

[The match's flame is blown out by a mysterious draft.]

Grimm Twins: Kaby look![They said as Daybreak was glowing with light.]

KM:[Confused] What's happening!?![The spell on Daybreak was starting to be lifted.]

LH: A spell has been casted on this book, It's the work of wizard Kemu Zaleon!...Or should I say…

Everyone: Zekua Melon!

KM:[Surprised] A spell!?!

[The spell was in the middle of lifting, revealing the books title, “Daybreak” being an anagram for “Dear Kaby”]

KM:[Reading] Dear...Kaby…

Griff: That's right…

CS: This book is his letter to you…

LMG: Disguised by your father's Writing Magic by a spell that rearranges all of the words…

LH: So no one else could read it…

[The words trailed across the room in an eye-catching display.]

Boys: Wow!...

TG&Hap: Pretty!...

LH: He didn't stop writing because he was ashamed!

LMG: He stopped because he finished his masterpiece!

CS: A novel containing everything he'd ever want to say to his beloved son!

LH: And when you read it the way he intended, it's easily his best work ever!

KM:[Rehearing his father's words in his head. Tearing up] Son...I thought of you the entire time I was gone…

[The spell was completely lifted, revealing it's true form.]

CG: And now that the spell has been broken, you can read it for yourself!

KM:[Kneeling, clutching the novel in his arms] Thank you father...I swear that I'll never let any harm come to this book…

ND: Well, I guess we won't be collecting that reward…

Shadow Gear: Yep!

Siblings Grimm: Mmmhhm!

Hap&Griff: Aye!

LH:[Shocked] HUH!?!

Jet: We were supposed to destroy it…

Droy: We didn't finish the job…

KM: Even so...Let me do something!

LH:[Upset] Yeah! It's not our fault he decided not to burn the book after we got it back for him!

Hap: Lucy…

Griff: Don't be so greedy! You're ruining what was a touching moment…


Hap&Griff:[Disappointed] *Ugh!*

Dragon Cousins: Thanks for the offer, but we don't want it!

Shadow Gear: Same here!

LH: Ummm...Yeah we DO, I need to pay rent!!!

ND: I think it's time we all go back home…

CG: That means you too Mr. Melon…

ND&CG: Go back home…

CG: Come on everyone! Let's all head out…And here Kaby![Hands over his winnings from his personal bet, being 2.5 million jewel]...For your travels back home...

[Outside the estate.]

LMG: MAN...That money sure would have been helpful right about now…

Jet&Droy:[Agreeing] Mmmhhm!

LH: Seriously!?! I needed that money for rent!

Droy: Wait...Didn't you bet on Clay winning!?!

Jet: Yeah!...You should have gotten plenty of money for rent!

LMG: What happened to it all, Lucy!?!

LH: Well...After I got my place...I was heading over to my landlady’s place to pay a couple more months worth of rent...And then I saw that all the stores in Magnolia that were selling the cutest clothes ever were having sales...And…

Everyone: You splurged your money!?!

LH: Yeah…Don't judge me! It's been forever since I've shopped like that!

Griff: Don't worry everyone! I have a feeling that our financial trouble will sort themselves out…

Others: What makes you think that!?!

CG: Three…

CS: Two…

TG: One…

[Lahar appears, still hooded, accompanied by two Rune Knights, carrying a large chest.]

Siblings Grimm: Right on time!

Lahar: Ah...Good! I caught you all before you left Shirotsume...You'd all be happy to know that Duke Everlue is behind bars...And he's going to stay there for a LONG time...As I said before...Here's your…”Compensations”...Courtesy of the Magic Counsel...

[The Wizards open the chest, absolutely in awe, finding that the chest was filled with jewels, in total of 25 million jewel. Enough for each wizard to get two million each, they all agreed to send the rest of it to Kaby, right before him and his family left.]


Siblings Grimm: And the Grimm's luck strikes again…

Griff: Now we can head home…

CG: I'll drive...Terra!...Go get to know everyone! Alright!?!

TG: Yes big brother Clay!

[As they were heading home, they all realized it was getting too dark to safely drive back to Magnolia, the wizards decided to ruff it out in the wilderness for a night. While the Siblings Grimm we're setting up TERRA to be a massive R.V. Camper, Shadow Gear and the rest of Dragon's Bane sat around a bonfire.]

LH: I can't believe they we're just renting that house! Just to look rich!

LMG: Yeah...I know... It's not like we wouldn't have taken the quest if they weren't rich!

Hap: You may have Levy, but I don't know about Lucy!

Griff:[Drinking whiskey] Aye!

LH: Of course I would have!

Hap&Griff: Sure greedy…

LH: By the way...The house...How did you know it wasn't really theirs!?!

ND: Oh...That was easy!...Because it smelled like someone else's house! Seemed pretty obvious…

Griff: Yep![Takes another drink.]

Hap: Aye!

LH: Sure! To you three animals, maybe…🙊

Jet:[Scared for his life] AAAAAAAHHH!!![He runs off, his hat left behind.]

LH:[Bowing at Griffin’s hindpaws. Begging for forgiveness] PLEASE DON'T KILL ME GRIFFIN!!! I'M TOO YOUNG TO DIE!!!

Griff:[Still mad] Quit your pointless begging, girl! Now stand up and take your consequence like an adul--*BOOP!* Aaah! Levy!?! You dare smmmm...You daaahheeehheee...Youhoohooo…
*Sneeze!* *Sneeze!* *Sneeze!*...[Griffin continued to sneeze after Levy booped him with a rolled-up request flyer. He, as expected, forgot the whole ordeal.]
What were we talking about again!?!

LH,ND&Hap:[Shocked] HE FORGOT!?!

Griff: Forgot what?

LMG:[Yelling out loud] YOU CAN COME BACK JET! HE'S CALMED DOWN![Jet returns to his seat.] Clay told us all to do that before he kills any of us…

LH,ND&Hap: Good to know…

Griff: Well...Just know that I am quick to anger...Wonder if they have any effective Anger management classes in Magnolia...Anyways...I was about to tell you Lucy, that Slayers, Dragon Slayers in particular, have heightened senses, far beyond normal humans...That's how Natsu and the Siblings Grimm knew it wasn't their home...Matter of fact, Earth Dragon Slayers can pick up a scent trail that most other Dragon Slayers would not be able to, being able to smell the most miniscule trace amounts of molecules left behind in the earth…

Droy: MAN...So the three of them are practically built for tracking…

Griff: That's right…

[The Siblings Grimm came towards the others with a large metal chest.]

CG: Hey! Good news! All our valubles are safe and sound from when TERRA exploded!

CS: Yep! Even all the food Terra bought!

TG: That's right! Everything we should need is in this box!

[As they open the box…]
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