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Just an Ordinary Day in the Life of an Ordinary Girl

"Okay," you say. "I agree with you. We need to find a way to end the curse before more people get hurt... Or me for that matter." You smile as to make a joke out of it.

Zack has a serious look on his face though. "Thank you...," he says, looking deep into your green eyes, "...for trusting me."

"Hey, I didn't say I trusted you. I said I believed you." You give a quick wink before you get up and grab your coat. Zack follows your example and walks towards the exit of the café with a self-sufficient look on his face.

"Hey!" you call after him. "Are you gonna leave me with the bill?"
Zack turns towards you with the doorknob in his hand. "Well, actually...yeah!" he says with a smile. "Did you think I'm getting paid for my job?" Then he opens the door and walks out.

You sigh and grab your wallet. He's one mystery guy, you think. Is he even a mortal human being? Or rather the angel he looks like?

After having paid, you leave the café and walk back to your car where Zack's already waiting for you.
You get in and wait for Zack to do the same. Many thoughts are running through your head right now and they are causing a mild pressure inside your head. Which by the way is very unusual for you. You rarely suffer from head-aches, unless they were a sign of upcoming flu. Hopefully not this time, though, because you seem to be in for a lot of trouble in the near future. Especially when turns out that Zack told the truth about the curse. Then again, you might be in even more trouble, another kind of trouble, if he did not.

You decide to give it a rest until you know for sure. You start the car and get back to the highway. Hopefully you will reach that place, Elmrow - or Elmer's Hollow, whatever - soon.

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