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Just an Ordinary Day in the Life of an Ordinary Girl

After a physical check up by Zack and drinking a good cup of hot chocolate in a small café, you start to feel better again, and curious about what Zack could possibly have to tell you.

"Okay, now please tell me what this freaky incident has to do with me...or you," you say.
Zack is nipping from his coffee and seems a bit nervous. "Alright, here goes... I know this must sound too weird for you to believe but you have to trust me on this.

It all started decades ago, in a town called Elmer's Hollow. A man going by the name of Thomas of Wellshire owned a great mansion and quite a fortune. He lived there, together with his wife Margaret. Their marriage was arranged at their birth, as was quite common those days.

However, soon after the wedding rumors started about Thomas seeing another woman in secret. The rumors turned out to be true.
Thomas had fallen in love with a local girl, Amilynn Lark, a few months before his wedding and had kept seeing her, even after marrying Margaret. The poor woman had to find out by overhearing some gossip and confronted Thomas with it. He decided to admit it, especially now that Amilynn had told him she was pregnant.

He broke Margaret's heart by choosing to be with Amilynn, and she fled the manor to live with her family.
Not long after that Amilynn moved in with her love.

It felt only natural to Thomas to choose for Amilynn. She was his great love. Their love was true and deep.
And Margaret...well, he had no special feelings for her.
Margaret's family however, was not so understanding. He had dishonoured their family by publicly embarrassing and leaving his wife.
They cursed Amilynn for it. A strong curse that for the first few months only haunted her, but eventually became fatal.

It started with little accidents, that grew bigger and more dangerous every time. It killed her in the end... She died in a fire that burned down the whole manor. The cause of the fire was never discovered.

The doctors tried but they couldn't save her anymore. They could however save the baby she carried: a girl with hair as intense red as that of her mother.
She grew up to be just like her mother in every aspect, including carrying the curse. She died too, but not before giving birth to a little girl...

And that's what's going on here. Amber, you are of the same bloodline. You also carry the curse..."

Zack's words echo in your head. You're shocked by the story, and even more shocked when you hear Zack's final words. You're confused. "But..., okay, this is kind of hard to take in." You are wondering about one thing though.
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