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Just an Ordinary Day in the Life of an Ordinary Girl

"But who are you then?" you ask the guy who did mysteriously turn up at the right time.

He seems to think for a moment, then answers your question. "Thomas was devestated when he lost the love of his life, and he managed to create a little curse of his own. He said that there would always be someone to protect the cursed women, and that that someone would one day find a way to end the curse. And that someone is me."
Zack looks down at his cup and plays with it, as if he's suddenly become shy, but a moment later he softly continues without looking you in the eyes. "I failed the others. I couldn't save them..." His voice sounds very sad, but then he regains himself and says very determined, "But I will succeed this time. I will protect you and I'll end the curse once and for all! That's why we need to go to Elmrow I think. Elmrow is the modern name of Elmer's Hollow you know?"

Now things are starting to make sense to you. The high frequency of small accidents lately. Your fall off the stairs, the way you accidentally cut yourself while preparing dinner, the break-in last Friday, etc.

On the other hand... this could have been just one big coincidence, and how do you know if you should trust the guy or not? The two of you just met this morning...

After giving it some thought you decide...
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