Trace Evidence (Glass)

Probably a good idea.

Officer Shiffert returned to the area around Viktor and packaged up a number of glass fragments around him, along with a few from the window-frame to serve as a reference. Additionally, there was a broken bottle near Viktor that appeared to have some dried blood on it, so Shiffert collected that too. Returning to where Mia had told her that Tyler and Viktor were sitting, Officer Shiffert observed and collected glass fragments that appeared to have the same color as the broken bottle from before. Officer Shiffert went to go interview Tyler about his presence at the bar, but he said little. Only that he was there with Viktor that night but went to the bathroom when the incident occurred and left the bar through the exit at the back of the bar. Officer Shiffert was about to leave when she noticed a few glass fragments on the ground near the driver's door of Tyler's car, and collected these as evidence. Officer Shiffert then dropped this evidence off at the local crime lab for analysis. Now, to wait for the analyses to be completed...

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