Gotham's Story

I give up. Those three words have defined the preceding years of your life since Jason died. You no longer wear the cape. You frequent social gatherings, but stay on the fringes. You've taken up drinking for the first time in your life, and it sometimes helps to ease the pain.
You've taken t other tasks to fill the void left when you abandoned the cowl. Racecar driving has been one of your favorites; not just the physical excitement, but the thrill of your life being at risk. You are reminded of the rush when you would abandon your body, risking life and limb on foolish endeavors. In your last race, your pit crew manager installed an automatic shutdown in your car to prevent you from pushing the vehicle past its limits. You tore it out and accelerated further. The car couldn't handle it and began to crash. For a moment you thought you would see your end, but you jumped free just in time.
You and Gordon meet for drinks occasionally, and you both toast to the end of Batman. Well, he does at least. You can definitely join in in his celebration of retirement; the old man has had a good run as commissioner.
Tonight, though, you are alone. You walk the streets of Gotham and see the same corruption polluting it, but it no longer has the Batman to keep it in check. Your old villians are too colorful for the Gotham that exists now, so a new gang has formed. A group of thugs and delinquents who call themselves the Mutants. Their leader is nearly as chaotic as the Joker once was, and is strong as an ox. But you have given up the cape.
Tonight you open the passageway behind the grandfather clock once more. The Batcave used to be down this way, but now it is just the Abyss that sits underneath Wayne Manor. It calls to you in the voice of a Bat, but you have resisted it for so long. Can you continue to watch as the world around you crumbles, or will you allow yourself to be swept into the pain and agony that is Batman?
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