Gotham's Story

You smile to yourself. Wayne Enterprises has not been this successful in years- decades even. It took a lot of convincing for the board to let you become the face of the company; man in a wheelchair doesn't exactly inspire confidence, even if he is the primary shareholder. But when they saw how assertive, aggressive, and successful you could be in the business world, they realized how much they had underestimated you. More importantly, theyrealized how much the competition would underestimate you. Now you are in meetings all over the world; getting to meet new, influencial people that can make the company more successfull. But neither the success, nor the money, nor the connections satisfy your ultimate goal. They are just resources.
Underneath Wayne Manor, the Batcave has expanded to a labirynth, a colony, a city beneath the city. It is no longer a planning and restocking headquarters as it was when you wore the cowl. Now it is a living and training ground for the Bat Legion.
You can no longer use your legs, but Gotham still needs the Bat. For months, you have been training new acolytes, people of talent from all over the world, to fight in your crusade. Wentao, a pole-arm warrior from Hong Kong; Anya Volkova, a previous League of Assassins member; Lucas Fox, an African soldier; Helena Bertenelli, Katana, Man-of-Bats. All of these and more comprise the Bat Legion. You have used the same trainign method that you used on Dick Grayson, but on a far larger scale. Even though he has offered to train the Legion from time to time, 'Nightwing' does not always approve of your method. But the results speak for themselves.
The Bat Legion came out in force to the Gotham underworld two weeks ago. At first the goal was to reignite the image by striking fear into the petty criminals, but even now, they assualt major crimelords and masked villains. You have learned the value of teamwork and how to utilize numbers to enforce your invincible symbol of Justice. Now Gotham is under a constant vigil. a vigil that you could not have provided on your own. Any threat that arises in our city is now quelled by the Legion that waits at your fingertips. And everyday, you train them to make tham stronger.
You turn your attention to the blinking message that has been dancing on your screen. You already know who it is from. The Justice League, that coallition of superpowered demigods, has repeatedly requested your assistance to defend Earth against an alien invader who calls himself Darkseid. You delete the message. It's not that you don't take them seriously, you do. Any threat to the planet would be a threat to Gotham, and you cannot allow that. But the Bat Legion is yours and yours alone to command.
Let Darkseid come.
The Bat Legion is waiting.
End Of Story