Gotham's Story

"That's what I like to hear, kid." He helps you to your feet. "My name is Wildcat, whats yours?"
"I'm Bruce," you say- a bit more confidently, but still apprehensive. Wildcat leads you to the end of the alley until you reach a manhole cover.
"Now, this is probably gonna stink, kid, but just hold your nose and try to keep up."
The two of you descend the ladder once the cover is open. Wildcat is right about the smell, but you are determined to not let your disgust show. Once at the bottom of the ladder, Wildcat breaks off at a jog down a stone corridor. Since there is practically no visibility, you have to follow by sound alone, but your years alone have taught you how to manage with that. Several times, your foot slips and you have to catch yourself before you fall into the river of refuse that runs beside you. After five minutes you begin to hear Wildcat's footsteps fade away. You are determined not to lose him, but whatever speed you attain, the sound fades until you can no longer hear him whatsoever. But then, in the distance, a soft glow of light catches your eye and you run towards it.
Wildcat is waiting for you by the door of a hidden room in the sewers.
"'Bout time you caught up, kid, come on in."
You enter and find the most amazing room that you have ever been in. It is part crime lab, part armory, part hospital, part mechanic shop, and part fighting studio. Wildcat smiles when he sees your mouth agape. He bends down to look at you straight in the eye.
"Nice, isn't it?" He asks. "Now, down to business. That girl you stole from? Her name is Talia, daughter of Ra's al Ghul. Ra's is the leader of an assassin organization that spans the whole world. Why he's in Star City? I don't know, but I want to make sure he doesn't stay. Taking down muggers and psychopaths is hard enough."
He becomes wistful for a moment but then redirects his attention to you.
"I think you can help me out in this city, but a thieving street urchin is not quite what I need. I need a fighter. Can you be a fighter?"
You nod, your eyes wide with enormity of the information you've just been given.
"Good to hear, Bruce. Now," he gestures to the weapons cabinet against the back wall. "What do you want to use?"
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