The Battle of the Realms

You go to a graveyard with a caveman. The man says, “We are on a quest to get gems but there is a giant monster guarding the gems!” You realize that you have to figure out how to get past the giant monsters. You find a stick and you say, “This stick might help.” You pull out your cell phone and call your friends Ryan, Brianna and Jason. They don't pick up. You think they're danger you look behind you and you see them. You say to Jason, Ryan, and Brianna, “We are on a quest to find gems but there's monsters guarding the gems. All I have is a stick that was on the ground. Did you find anything to fight with?” you say. “I didn't find anything” Ryan and Jason reply.
“But I found something!” Briana said.
“What did you find?” you ask.
“I found a wood plank.” Brianna said.
“Ok! Let's fight!” you cry.
You whack the first monster but then the monster dodges it the monster grabs the wood plank and throws it away. You shout “NO!” you guys run away to home and the strange man asked you if you want go to the graveyard by yourself and get the gem.
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