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The Battle of the Realms

You go to a graveyard and you see gems, but there are Quintapeds and you know that they are highly dangerous because if it sees any movement trying to steal the thing it’s guarding, it will attack and kill. But you have to get the gem and when you get the gem you have to stay alive, it is impossible to get away from a Quintaped without dying.Suddenly, you remember you have a cellphone and that you can talk to you friends.
“Hello,” You call over the cellphone
“Hello,” Jason replies.
“Guys! It’s me,” you say.
“Oh, it’s you,” Jason says.
“Jason, listen carefully because I have a question for you,” You say.
“Ok,” said Jason.
“I am here in the graveyard and I found the gem but there are Quintapeds. So should I try to sneak in and get the gem or hide and wait until you and Ryan come?
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