Four Kingdoms, The

You instantly remember the tire tracks. He can't be lying.

"Fine, I'll take your word for it. Where is it?"

He seems relieved and speeds off in a particular direction. "C'mon!"

You follow him through dense foliage and know he could escape at any moment. Somehow, he doesn't seem to mind helping you. You feel yourself going back to where you saw the tire tracks earlier. Eventually, he stops by a truck hidden by overgrown trees. You must have seen it earlier, but it blended into the background.

"Here it is," says the man. "How do you like it? The tank is half full, but all you have to do is follow the tracks back to the exit of the forest."

You nod, glad to finally be able to get out of the forest. You open the door and get into the truck, then look for the man. He's gone. You start up the truck and turn it toward the tracks. Suddenly, a horde of zombies makes their way onto the tracks and stops, blocking your exit. Did the man send them there on purpose, or is this their primal instinct? He said to follow the tracks, but it doesn't look like you have that option.
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